How the news coverage of Tiger Wood’s adultery illustrates some not-so-randomly-connected truth

I know that this has become “old news” already, but I’ve been trying not to waste the lessons of the scandal from a few weeks ago. I have prayed for the Lord to soften my own heart and be sanctified by the news of the sin of another. I have no stones to throw, exceptContinue reading “How the news coverage of Tiger Wood’s adultery illustrates some not-so-randomly-connected truth”

Do I think that movies like Avatar are too pagan for Christians to watch?

Someone emailed me with that question this week. I’m posting our exchange here in the hope that you’ll find my answer helpful. Pastor Scott, I, too, am a recovering fundamentalist. So I really have enjoyed your web sites and the focus of your church. I would like your take on a topic that has meContinue reading “Do I think that movies like Avatar are too pagan for Christians to watch?”